Fun Facts

Below is a little more about us, how we operate, and all the stuff you just need to know.

Reasons to Keep Your Child Home

  • A fever of 101 or higher

  • Two bouts of vomiting in the previous 24 hours

  • Two bouts of diarrhea (not associated with antibiotics)

  • Any communicable disease (these require medical treatment and the child to no longer be infectious)

Including but not limited to:

  • Chicken Pox

  • Strep Throat

  • Rubella

  • Hepatits

  • Impetigo

  • Conjunctivitis

  • Head Lice

  • Pertussis

  • Ringworm

  • Measles

  • Scabies

  • Scarlet Fever

  • Mumps

*24 hours of medication is required before returning for Strep Throat, Scarlet Fever, or Impetigo


Meals and two snacks are provided by the center. Menus will be posted on the bulletin board as well as on the website.

Please feel free to bring a lunch for your child if they do not like the lunch that is being served that day.

We also have periodic picnic days where the children bring a bag lunch and stuffed animal of their choice.

Quiet Time

As required by the state, a scheduled nap/quiet time will be held each day.

Mats and blankets will be provided. If your child has a favorite blanket or sleeping bag, they may bring his or her own to leave at daycare.

Blankets and bags will be washed once a week or more as needed.


You are welcome and encouraged to bring in a special snack on your child's birthday. This is a special day for the children.

Some great snack ideas are:

  • small-sized cupcakes

  • Hoodsie cups

  • brownies/cookies

  • ice cream sundaes


A positive approach to discipline will be used. Children will be exposed to modeling of how to use words and how to express anger positively without hurting themselves or others. Time-outs will be used, if necessary, to remove a child from a situation.

Registration and Health Forms

A registration form with personal emergency contact information must be on file for each child. Please notify us of any changes (i.e. work schedules, change of address, etc.)

A health form with up-to-date immunization and physical is required by the state and must be updated annually. All forms must be returned within four weeks of the doctor's appointment for your child to attend.

Health Policies

We must have a signed authorization form to dispense any medicine. All medicines must be in the original container, marked with the child's name. Please hand medicine directly to a staff member.

Field Trips

We will plan field trips for the older children (typically 3 years and older).

A permission slip must be signed and we will inform you in advance. Volunteers are always welcome.

Fire Drills

Fire drills will be performed at least once a month as required by state licensing. There will be a fire drill log posted in the center.